Get ready to

blaze IT

The first and healthiest approach to on-chain smoking.


Blockbongs is a smokeable NFT collection of 4200 unique bongs each consisting of 420 x 420px sized PNG or GIF picturing 42 x 42px pixel art. Coming in various shapes, materials, with different bowls and backgrounds, tables underneath them, accessories or even water levels inside them and what's best is that you can alter the way your blockbong looks by smoking it. Find out more below.


All blockbongs were randomly generated with various . This means some of them are than others and some of them might contain more or less smoking accessories than others. Select any attribute to preview.

learn 2 smoke

Smokeable on Ethereum blockchain. Each blockbong NFT represents a unique virtual bong which can be smoked by its owner in the action of the so-called on-chain smoking. Each smoking irreversibly modifies the bong state and changes the bong image according to defined progression rules.
Blockheads (blockbong owners) may access a specially dedicated site at , pick one of the blockbongs from their portfolio and blaze it resulting in a stained version of the blockbong. Try all the different looks of this preview bong by blazing using the button below. This is just a preview!
Blockheads (blockbong owners) may access a specially dedicated site at , pick one of the blockbongs from their portfolio and blaze it resulting in a stained version of the blockbong. Try all the different looks of this preview bong by blazing using the button below. This is just a preview!
You haven't smoked the blockbong yet :(
Smoke once to achieve the next level.
Current blockbong dirty level:
There will be hemp worth 420 ETH available for blazing on our contract. One loaded bowl, one smoking session, costs 0.024 ETH and subtracts the same amount from the available amount for on-chain smoking. After all the digital hemp is smoked, no blockhead will be able to get their blockbong dirty anymore.
Although there are 4 different levels of dirty blockbongs and LVL 4 is LVL MAX, you don't have to stop blazing at this point, since there are separate for not only , but also for among blockheads in total. The only limitation is the 420 ETH available to all the blockheads for the on-chain smoking defined in the contract!


4/2/22 12:00am CET • Launch

We'll be launching a private mint for our first supporters, investors and greenlist members. All of the blockbongs will at first arrive packed in boxes. Don’t worry they’re bound by blockchain to unpack in time!

4/2/22 4:20pm CET • Public mint

We will launch our public mint. Don't miss your only chance to mint a blockbong!

4/20/22 4:20am CET • Unpacking

All blockbongs sold before this date will automatically unpack to reveal your shiny new smoking equipment.

4/20/22 4:20pm CET • Smoking sesh

Immediately after our team on-chain-smokes the first blockbong public smoking will become available for every blockhead on our smoking dedicated website .

4/20/22 4:20pm CET • Merchandise

With the launch of the official blockbongs website we will also release a merchandise at our website including hoodies, t-shirts and grinders.

4/20/24 4:20pm CET • Virtual community

We hope to create a virtual store/community space in the metaverse where we could all meet up and smoke our blockbongs together.


After all hemp worth 420 ETH has been blazed, the chart of the 420 heaviest smokers will be locked. We shall extract wallet addresses from the list of 420 heaviest smokers and use them for our next NFT project as an early access "greenlist".
will receive one of the 10 pre-minted blockbongs - the highest rarity blockbong for the highest blockhead.
Additionally shall receive one of the 10 pre-minted blockbongs - the highest rarity blockbong for the owner of the most blazed blockbong.
Future utility for holders of this project will be an access to our metaverse smokespots from funds of the blockbongs NFT project sales (24%) and royalties (4.2%) of every transaction with blockbong.
We shall mint 42 blockbongs for the development team and 24 blockbongs as prizes in upcoming contests - but only after the 420th blockbong is minted.



You can read more about the contract on

Our team
